This was the
first Christmas that I ever spent away from my family, and boy, was it awesome.
Now, before
you get the idea that I am some cruel and unusually ungrateful child, let me
clarify: being away from my family for the holidays was heartbreaking. But,
rather than allowing myself to be crippled by heartbreak, I was blessed to have
a lovely vacation with a group of amazing young women.
Not too much
of note happened this day. I had school, where one of my coworkers gave me a
lovely teal poncho as a Christmas gift—which I promised to wear on Christmas
day. After classes ended for the day, I hopped on a bus bound for KTM. Then I
hopped on another bus bound for my favorite café. This ended up being a double-edged
sword. Yes, it was the nicest public conveyance I have experienced in Nepal.
However, it had a silly rule: the back door is for entering, the front is for
exiting. No exceptions. Of course I was at the back of the bus, and the aisle
was filled—FILLED—with people. As I am blessed with the gift of height, at
least when compared to Nepalis, I was able to hoist my twenty-pound backpack
over everyone’s heads and escape.
I did fall
down the stairs. But at least I made it off the bus.
(As a
comparison for my immediate family, picture the Mohonk lemon squeeze, except horizontal
and made of people rather than rock.)
spending the night at the Fulbright-Clinton girls’ apartment (such luxury:
Wi-Fi! Hot water! A space heater!), I departed with one of them, Rebekah, for
the fanciest damn bus I’ve seen here. It’s amazing: at 6:30 in the morning,
Kathmandu is wide awake, and nobody is carrying coffee cups.
The bus ride
was very nice: lunch was included in our ticket price, and there were no
chickens in the overhead compartments. It took about 7 hours to reach Pokhara,
but pleasant conversation made the time fly by. Ellen arranged for a very nice
hotel, and it was there that we met her, Emily, and Lisa. We didn’t accomplish
much on our first day, but we did have a nice Christmas Eve dinner at a place
with tasty pizza and pasta selections. My serving of pesto gnocchi was a bit
small for my large appetite, but the pizzas were a bit large for the other
girls, so it evened out.
Day! And what a Christmas it was. The first matter of business was a 10-minute,
400 rupee max Secret Santa, and then on to breakfast at Mike’s Restaurant, a
derivative of the very famous Mike’s Breakfast in KTM. We taped a paper
Christmas tree to a real tree as we sat by the lakeside. Ellen got me a felted
penguin pen snuggy, for when my hands are too cold to write properly, and the
other gifts were equally as unique and fun (Lisa’s new giraffe hat being a
highlight for everyone). Lisa distributed candy, I distributed friendship
bracelets, and that was the extent of gift-giving.
was followed by a hiking adventure. Pokhara is home to the World Peace Pagoda,
a famous hilltop site that can be viewed from all of the lakeside properties.
However, we discovered that while the pagoda is highly visible, the route to it was
anything but obvious. Due to Emily and Lisa’s Nepali speaking skills, an old
lady gathering firewood led us halfway up the hill. Her path of choice was a
narrow footpath that skirted several dry waterfalls, and probably would have
been better for say, goats, or elves, but we made it.
We then had
an amusing incident (for everyone except Lisa) where, in attempting to embrace
a tree for a photo-op, Lisa accidentally patted a spiny caterpillar. I was
thrilled, because it meant the tweezers on my Swiss Army Knife came in handy.
Lisa was fine, thank goodness – no venom or anaphylaxis or sudden desires to
eat leaves. We also met a woman from Spain who asked to walk with us.
The Peace
Pagoda was a really lovely, some might say peaceful,
spot, and it was worth the trek. I brought Indiana Mouse along and got a few
nice pictures with him.
dinner was at a restaurant called Moondance. Our new friend from Spain, Berta,
joined us—it was fun to chat in Spanish, and Rebekah, who spent two years in
Spain, made Berta feel very welcome in our group. Emily and I splurged on the
Christmas dinner special: roast chicken. We got pumpkin soup, roasted veggies
(including a whole roasted garlic bulb), the aforementioned bird, stuffing
(which I stopped eating after Emily casually mentioned it had liver in it), apple
crisp a la mode, and Nepali milk chiya. All in all, the day was a really
enjoyable blend of American and Nepali experiences.
We woke up
at 5:30, but for a good reason. In fact, we were up and out so early, we had to break out of our hotel on our quest to find a taxi. Why did we need a
taxi? Why, to see the sun rise and illuminate the Himalaya, of course! There is
a very famous spot in the hills overlooking Pokhara called Sarangkot which has
an unmatchable view of the Annapurnas and Machhapuchchhre (so many h's in there), some of the most
famous Himalayan peaks. After watching the rising sun gild the mountains in
rose gold, we did what any self-respecting Americans would do when confronted
with a jaw-dropping panorama: take jumping photos!
The rest of
the day was filled with shopping, errands, and boating. Emily and I also got
massages, which I am still trying to decide whether it was a relaxing or highly
awkward experience. Probably a mix of both. Ellen and I finally found a real
Japanese restaurant (this has been a goal of ours for several months), and
dinner was a shared meal of Indian vegetarian curries and garlic nan.
Rebekah and
I had to go to bed early so as to be ready for our early bus departure in the
morning, so we said goodbye to the other girls that evening. We certainly
wished that we could have stayed a few more days, both to enjoy such pleasant company
and to explore more of the beauty of Pokhara. I, for one, would have loved to
go parahawking: that is, paragliding with a hawk.
They say
that there’s no place like home for the holidays, and that home is where the
heart is. Well, my heart is in my rib cage, and my rib cage is in Nepal, but to
end this really convoluted simile/metaphor mashup, trust me when I say that
this was a truly wonderful Christmas.
Pesto gnocchi. A traditional Nepali meal. |
Pizza. Also traditional Nepali food. |
What is "Xmax"? Actually, don't answer that. |
Pig? Boar? Delicious? |
The sailboat that would be Lisa's. |
Showing off Christmas finery. |
Not pictured: extra crispy bacon. |
How could you not want to go paragliding with a view like that? |
Typical Christmas greenery. |
Oh, heck no. |
Actual Christmas greenery (and red-ery?). |
Read the top line. |
The World Peace Pagoda. |
Rocking the new poncho. |
Indiana Mouse feels right at home. |
Literally the first recycling bin I have seen in the whole country. |
Christmas dinner. |
Alanna's favorite food group. |
I can't believe I ate the whole thing... |
Our breakfast companion. |
A video showing nothing but the sun rising over the Himalaya. |
View from a canoe. |
Lisa and Rebekah cruisin' along. |
Stylish. |
The bird we dubbed "Blueberry Muffin." |
You know you're in trouble when you break out the paddle... |
My new Nalgene bottle. Matches my color scheme. |
Where is Maxico? |
Well, if you insist. |
Apple butter pie. Mmmm. |
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