This past week was the Fulbright ETA Enrichment Seminar, from December
10th to the 14th. Every year, it alternates between Sri
Lanka and Nepal. Since the Nepal ETAs never made it to Sri Lanka last year (not
for lack of trying), we were happy to host it.
Elsie came over to my house early on Wednesday morning so
that we could finish working on our presentation about Lalitpur. We had to
hurry, because there was no power, and my battery only holds about forty-five
minutes worth of charge, but the presentation ended up looking very nice and
professional. After that, we made our way into Patan, where we shopped for
sweaters and books, and ate a fancy lunch at a fancy hotel.
And speaking of fancy hotels, boy, was the hotel for the
conference swanky. Called Hotel Manaslu (after the mountain), it sported
beautiful Newari wood carving, a mini bird menagerie, and a pool. ETAs from
India, Sri Lanka, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan appeared over the
course of the evening as they got in from various flights.
When you struggle to
fall asleep because your hotel bed is softer than a table. #onlyinNepal
This was the first “official” day of the conference. After
Western breakfast (bacon!) and a HOT SHOWER, we headed to a welcome session,
followed by a workshop led by none other than Christine Stone, our
English-teaching-teacher from the August orientation.
After lunch, groups presented on their different placements.
Elsie and I went second, which was good, because I’ve become nervous about
public speaking that isn’t in front of primary school students. It went well.
People laughed with us. The crowd was
full of good audience members and good presenters. The ETAs from Calcutta
(which they spell with a “K” in a way that Microsoft Word won’t accept) had a
very fun film instead of a traditional powerpoint, and the teachers from Sri
Lanka, who have only been there for three weeks, had a hilarious skit about
taxi drivers that involved at least one man in a manly sarong.
Dinner was preceded by a traditional Nepali dance program,
and the Nepal girls were the MCs. This was followed by a glass of wine and
cheese balls (heaven for a girl in a cheese-free, alcohol-free household), and
a very tasty Indian dinner. However, the toxically-green ice cream was
disappointing—it definitely tasted more like children’s cough syrup than
pistachio nut.
When you realize you
would totally knock someone out for a mozzarella stick. #onlyinNepal
Friday was “adventure day.” We left the hotel at some
ungodly hour (like 7 am or something), and took a trio of vans to Nagarkot.
It’s a place just over the top of the hills that rim the north of Kathmandu
Valley, and boy, is it something. From the hotel we stopped at we had
unobstructed views of a good stretch of the Himalaya and, because the day was
clear, we could just see the tippity-top of Sagarmatha (that’s Mt. Everest).
The only clouds were the ones that filled the valleys below us.
Before lunch, about half a dozen Fulbrighters gave
presentations on teaching tips and the like. Lisa opened with one about
teaching large class sizes; Emily closed with one about “multiple-intelligence
theory” (it sounds really intimidating, but it’s just the theory that all
children learn in a different way, through different stimuli). At lunch, the Nepal
ETAs ate with Brooke, the program officer for South and Central Asia. She might
be one of the coolest people ever.
The afternoon was filled by a hike to a beautiful Hindu shrine.
Robin-ji promised that the hike would be a gentle, downhill hour-and-a-half
walk. Apparently “downhill” is now a synonym for “uphill”—but I’ve found, in
Nepal, always substitute “difficult” for “gentle” and multiply all estimated
walking times by 2. Other than the unexpected calf workout, the hike was a nice
opportunity to bond with other ETAs, and to avoid poking their eyes out with my
The bus-ride back was, despite good conversation, probably
my third worst in the last five months. Normally bus rides in Nepal are not
very nauseating: while there’s a lot of weaving and swaying, there’s not a lot
of starting and stopping—but this time we hit a traffic jam, which is made
exponentially worse by the lack of lanes. (The second worst bus ride involved
inappropriate grabbing and very appropriate slapping, and the first was when I
had to stand on one foot the whole time, supported only by a crush of people,
because there was no room to put my other foot down.)
When you get more
excited by a litter of chubby puppies than by a thousand year-old temple.
The event of most note on Saturday was a trip to
Pashupatinath, the most sacred Hindu temple in Nepal. Since there were two
other options for tours, only seven ETAs ended up at the temple. Five of us
were from Nepal, one had a broken ankle, and only one was a guy. The guy, being
Hindu, was allowed to visit the main body of the complex, while we had to
entertain ourselves on the other side of the river. “Entertainment” would be a
horrendously wrong word for what we observed. One of Pashupatinath’s functions
is as a final destination of sorts—the river is lined by funeral ghats, the platforms on which Hindu
families burn their beloved dead.
We watched the funeral proceedings of an old woman. Her
family members circled the body to say farewell, and then some of the men
carried it to the river to splash water on the feet. After that, the body of
disrobed of all regular garments, wrapped in a white sheet, and covered with
marigolds. Then the corpse was carried to a wooden pyre, where family members
anointed the old woman’s head with oil, kissed her feet (as feet are considered
the most filthy part of the body, that’s a big deal), and then set the whole
thing alight.
It was very surreal, very sad, and something I am glad we
witnessed. I don’t have any photographs, because taking pictures of the ghats is considered highly
disrespectful—but since that doesn’t stop some people, you can find images
That night was our farewell ceremony. We had a scarf-giving
ceremony, which is a tradition of respect in Nepal. After dinner, Emily decided
she wanted to go to karaoke. With her and Brooke in the lead, we traipsed
around Kathmandu after the sun had set. We never did find karaoke, but at one
spot, Emily got up to sing with the band, which I thought was much more fun.
After that, she convinced one of them to lend her a guitar, and we all sang
Always an adventure.
A note on the photos: there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to the order these photos appeared in, and I am too impatient with the internet to rearrange them. I'll add captions eventually. For now, just imagine my snarky voice in your heads.
The view from Nagarkot. |
Detail of the carvings at the Hindu shrine. |
Pashupatinath. |
D'awww. |
Perfect timing. |
Some sort of griffin-guardian statue. |
Lisa's presentation. |
You can't take a bad picture here. |
Seriously. |
Our hotel room. |
Such an appropriate piece of children's literature... |
My main question is: why is he wearing Dorothy's ruby slippers? |
Can't beat this lunchtime view. |
Falafel with "chickpea sauce." |
Quite a fancy pool. |